TDG for OTR tyres

TDG of Stainess Steel for Other Road Vehicles

Tyre tread is the raised rubber of the tyre which contacts the road.It is handy tool for other than road vehicles as timely checking of tyre wear helps in minimizing errors.

Most tire tread depth gages measure in 32nds of an inch and millimeters Worn rubber can dramatically reduce stopping distances, as well as affecting steering and cornering ability.


It is a rectangular base made of alloy steel and has a reading scale which can be inserted in between to check the tyre thread wear.

Comes with locking system so that if required we can just freeze the reading. Portable and long lasting Reading in form 0-160mm and the scale base is 200 mm.

Product Description

  • Tyre tread is the raised rubber of the tyre which contacts the road.It is handy tool for big size tyres in other than road vehicles as timely checking of tyre wear helps in minimizing errors.
  • Most tire tread depth gages measure in 32nds of an inch and millimeters
  • Worn rubber can dramatically reduce stopping distances, as well as affecting steering and cornering ability.


  • Scale is made of stainless steel and body is made of aluminum to give elegant look .
  • Comes with locking system in the aluminum frame so that scale cannot pass through .
  • Portable and long lasting and can give reading in the biggest tyres available
  • Reading in form 0-200 mm


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